POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Mesh2 and surface properties. : Mesh2 and surface properties. Server Time
2 Nov 2024 13:18:16 EDT (-0400)
  Mesh2 and surface properties.  
From: Batronyx
Date: 7 Nov 2001 00:22:39
Message: <3be8c51f@news.povray.org>
I can find no apparent way to get an interior_texture{} applied to a mesh in
mesh2{} format. Given the descriptions of mesh2{} and texture{} in the docs,
this isn't completely unexpected. Is this a bug? No. It seems to work as
designed and described. However, I suggest mentioning mesh2{} as an exception to
the "backside" rule in the description of interior_texture{}, just for the sake
of clarity. I haven't tested, but double_illuminate and any other surface
properties (can't think of any more at the moment :) ) might also need this

Batronyx ^"^

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